Your 5 advantages with private Spitex

We have already explained the general differences between private and public Spitex providers in detail in this blog post.

Because private Spitex companies are not only focussed on the obligation to provide care and are therefore limited to an ‘effective need’, their range of services is much more extensive. In addition to the basic care services subject to compulsory health insurance in accordance with the Health Insurance Act (KVG), private companies also offer very individual and specialised services that can be combined as required. Find out in this article what five advantages you can expect from private Spitex providers.

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1. private Spitex isNOT more expensive

Of course, you can only compare the services that are offered by both Spitex company models. However, you will quickly realize that the rates are the same. This is simply because the private Spitex providers also bill the same payers for the same services, i.e. health insurance companies or accident, military and disability insurance. As these basic care services are subject to compulsory health insurance, the billing process is the same for you as the service recipient. You therefore no longer pay a private Spitex provider for these prescribed services. You can read more about the costs of Spitex services here.

For services that are not covered by health insurance, you should clarify in advance whether and to what extent they are covered by your supplementary insurance. In this series of blog posts, we will give you tips on how you can finance these so-called uncovered services.

Even if you have to pay for these benefits yourself, they can still be deducted on your tax return. You can find out in advance from the tax office which services are deductible and to what extent, or you can speak directly to the experienced advisors at the private Spitex company of your choice, who answer such questions on a daily basis.

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2. private Spitex must provide even more proof of quality

All Spitex providers, whether private or public, require a cantonal license for Spitex services and are also strictly monitored by the respective health authorities with regard to the same legal regulations. In addition, the health insurance companies also check the qualifications of the nursing staff. The national administrative agreement between the health insurance companies(Santésuisse) and the two Spitex associations Spitex Verband Schweiz (SVS) and Association Spitex privée Suisse (ASPS) also lays down precise guidelines for the processes involved in clarifying care requirements, invoicing and dealing with problems. For private Spitex providers, however, there is a third proof of quality that public Spitex providers do not have to provide: theState Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) stipulates that they are subject to theEmployment Services Act and the Personnel Leasing Act. In turn, private providers must comply with various requirements, e.g. with regard to the qualifications and management skills of the management staff, in order to obtain a corresponding permit from the cantonal employment offices. Last but not least, larger private Spitex providers must also meet the requirements of theCLA Swissstaffing.

The fact that private Spitex companies provide very good quality and even operate more efficiently was recently proven in three municipalities in Solothurn. Here, a private Spitex company has taken over the public service mandate. The authorities - and even more importantly - the clients are completely satisfied.

You can read more about this in this article on

3. private Spitex are more individual and flexible

Put simply, with private Spitex providers you get the same basic service AND the option to expand or adapt it to suit your needs. If you or your relatives need care, whether due to an accident, illness or old age, you can decide who you would like to receive the basic care services from. However, public Spitex companies are very limited in terms of the services they can provide, as they are designed to provide only the "actual need", which is calculated precisely. Public Spitex services are therefore more limited and less flexible than those of private Spitex companies. Especially in the area of night-time services, private Spitex companies offer a much more comprehensive range of services.

4. private Spitex providers focus on the people requiring care and not just on "actual needs"

In the case of private Spitex providers, the clients are not the municipalities but the people in need of care themselves or their relatives. Without wishing to imply anything against the public providers here, this naturally leads to a completely different relationship. Private companies are in competition with other providers and therefore naturally attach the greatest importance to quality, care, treatment and the well-being of their clients. This can be seen in many small details, such as the fact that private Spitex providers only offer half-hourly services or in general punctuality. This demonstrates the positive power of the market economy and competition. The direct beneficiaries are you, the patients and their relatives.

5 Private Spitex is more personal

Due to the different structure and objectives, public Spitex providers are for the most part not able to always assign the same nursing staff to the same clients. Of course, this is not a pleasant situation for those in need of care - especially when specialized care and treatment is required, for example due to dementia. It is also easier for relatives to always communicate with the same contact person. Not to mention the good feeling of knowing that their loved ones are always in the same good hands.

This can lead to clients with paraplegia, for example, being caredfor by an average of 30 different nursing staff or moreat public Spitex companies.

Read more about this in this article on

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