What family caregivers should know and can do

According to the Federal Office of Public Health, there are around 600,000 people in Switzerland who care for elderly, sick, injured or otherwise disadvantaged relatives. This difficult and often unpaid work is mainly carried out by women who selflessly care for their partners, relatives, friends and even neighbours in order to ensure that they can maintain their quality of life in familiar surroundings for as long as possible. According to the FOPH, this enormous effort is worth around CHF 3.71 billion per year.

Portrait of mother and daughter

The sad reality is that this multiple physical, mental and emotional burden, in addition to their own everyday life, all too often makes the family carers themselves ill. At the same time, however, this admirable commitment is the basis for the existence of outpatient care in its current form. In this article, we have summarized some of the ways in which family caregivers can obtain financial support.

In the future, the situation will become significantly more acute, primarily due to demographic trends - namely the ageing of society. At the end of2017, there were around 434,000 people over the age of 80 in Switzerland as a whole; according to federal forecasts, this figure will rise to over one million by 2045.

This challenge for society as a whole has now also reached politicians. As a result, measures are finally being taken and concepts developed. Unfortunately, however, family caregivers cannot always wait until the framework conditions change. In this article, we will give you an overview of the most important information and options for improving your current situation.

The most important thing: advice and information

What good is the best support if you don't know that it exists? However, you don't have to spend hours trawling the internet, comparing offers or reading information material to get comprehensive information. There are many places to go for free general advice or advice on very specific topics.

In our own free and non-binding initial consultation, for example, we work with you to clarify your individual situation and the possibilities for your personal relief. Simply talk to us:

Contact us

Most municipalities also have a specialist office for all aspects of old age with independent information on care and support.

Canton of Zurich:

Canton Aargau:

Pro Senectute also offers contact points for financial issues such as supplementary benefits and legal advice.

The Swiss Red Cross (SRC) has also significantly expanded its services on this topic and offers an independent web portal at pflege-entlastung.ch.

The Cancer League offers, among other things, a guide for family caregivers as well as free, multilingual advice on the cancer hotline or by e-mail.

Accepting support is not a weakness

Unfortunately, many people still wrongly regard accepting support and getting help as a weakness. It does no one any good if family carers work to the point of exhaustion, causing them to fall into a physical or emotional crisis themselves and, in the worst case, making the family member in need of care feel like a burden. The fear of the costs also prevents many people from finding out about the options for support. That doesn't have to be the case! With our free and non-binding initial consultation, we can help you clarify your questions, put you in touch with the right people and later take care of all the bureaucratic clarifications with insurers etc. as part of a service. Just talk to us:

Contact us

The SRC, Pro Senectute and the Alzheimer's Association offer various respite services to make everyday life easier for relatives and people in need of care:

Canton of Zurich

At the SRK

At Pro Senectute

At the Alzheimer's Association

At the Cancer League

Canton Aargau

At the SRK

With Pro Senectute

With the Alzheimer's Association

At the Cancer League

In addition to respite services, the SRC also offers special courses to help family caregivers with care and support. Sometimes, however, it is enough for family carers to simply sleep in, relax and take care of personal matters or their own social network. As a private Spitex company, we at SpitexCare are available by telephone from early in the morning until late at night - even around the clock by prior arrangement. We take care of all general and specialized nursing care for you, whether for just half an hour or for 24 hours a week. Talk to us and we will find a solution together: flexible, individual and personal.

Modern technical achievements such as robot vacuum cleaners, mobile emergency buttons etc. can also make everyday life easier for you as a family caregiver or your loved one in need of care. Find out more in this SRF radio report.

You are not alone

There are numerous self-help groups, meetings for relatives or seminars where you as a family caregiver can exchange ideas with fellow carers, receive valuable tips and form networks. Here are some contact details:

Canton of Zurich

At Pro Senectute

At the Alzheimer's Association

At the Cancer League

At the self-help center

Canton Aargau

At Pro Senectute

At the Alzheimer's Association

At the Cancer League

At the self-help center

The "Day of Caring Relatives", originally in French-speaking Switzerland, takes place every year on 30 October and is to be organized throughout Switzerland in the future.

As you can see, you really are not alone and there are offers and possibilities if you only know where. Take advantage of the free advice available from local authorities, associations or from us and get the support you need and are entitled to.

Caring for the elderly is not a private matter, but a task for society as a whole that can only be accomplished together. As a private Spitex company, we are happy to play our part by providing free, non-binding advice and health insurance-approved services to support you - tailored to your individual needs.