Specialized Spitex: 10 areas for specialized care at home

Clients of private Spitex companies are people with a wide variety of medical conditions. Some simply need some support during their convalescence, others are immediately ill and therefore only require short-term care. Still others suffer from a chronic illness or have such a serious injury that long-term care is necessary. People with mental illnesses are also often dependent on a care service. Today's requirements for outpatient care are therefore very differentiated and individualised. There are also cultural and language barriers.

Person comforts child in wheelchair

Many of those affected do not want to miss their familiar surroundings and wish to be cared for and supported at home. The nursing staff of private Spitex companies must therefore have the necessary knowledge and skills for highly specialized cases in addition to the "classic" cases where outpatient care is required due to age or accidents. To this end, employees are continuously trained in the professional handling of special medical conditions as well as in the areas of housekeeping and care. This is the only way to meet the special needs of clients with special care requirements and gain the trust of their relatives.

In this blog post, we would like to give you a clear overview of the special areas that private Spitex companies can cover.

Palliative care

In short, palliative care is the care of seriously ill people for whom a cure is no longer possible and whose end of life is approaching. The term comes from the Latin palliare (to cover with a cloak) and cura (care) and includes all measures for the physical, psychological, social, emotional and spiritual support of the affected person and their relatives. The aim of palliative care is above all to provide loving support and ensure the highest possible quality of life and freedom from pain until death. For seriously ill people in particular, remaining in the comfort of their own home, surrounded by loved and loving people, is incredibly important and valuable.

Further information on palliative care and the Spitex services that can help you in such cases can be found here:

To our Palliative Care page

Oncology care

Oncology Spitex services, often simply called oncology care or oncological care, partly overlap with palliative care or palliative care. They are used for clients who are currently undergoing cancer treatment, but also for patients who have reached the end of their treatment and have exhausted all medical options. For the latter, the focus on quality of life and freedom from pain is the top priority for all Spitex interventions. This type of situation is extremely difficult and stressful for all those involved, which is why Spitex staff need to have a great deal of empathy as well as oncological expertise and also be on hand to advise relatives. Depending on the case, the focus is also on the professional coordination and implementation of care measures and drug treatments. The Cancer League offers comprehensive information on the subject of cancer, cancer prevention and cancer treatments free of charge on its website. In the canton of Zurich, it even offers financial support for hardship cases.

You can find out more about special oncological Spitex services and further information here:

Go to our oncology care page

Psychiatric & psychosocial Spitex

Although the topic is still a social taboo, almost 20% of the Swiss population as a whole exhibit symptoms. Anyone in a crisis situation is happy to receive the support and care they need in familiar surroundings. Private Spitex companies help their clients to cope with psychological crisis situations, overcome (or at least control) mental illness, maintain their social connection and, ideally, regain their previous life. The focus here is on maximum self-determination and stability with the help of appropriate structuring of everyday life.

You can find out what these supportive, psychosocial Spitex services can look like here:

To our Psychiatric Spitex page

Dementia care

The term "dementia" covers various clinical pictures, with Alzheimer's being the best known, which are characterized by impairments or reductions in certain areas of the brain. This affects the cognitive abilities of those affected, such as perception, language and memory, as well as emotional and social skills.
This can lead to an extremely difficult situation, particularly for relatives, in which professional support and competent advice become essential. Early clarification at the first signs of dementia helps to gain the urgently needed information and preparation time so that the illness of the loved one does not become an illness of the relatives.

You can find out more about Spitex services, especially for dementia, here:

To our Spitex for dementia page

Spitex for people with spinal cord injury (paraplegia)

Paraplegia can have a variety of causes, be it an injury, illness, infection or inflammation. Here too, quality of life and self-determination are particularly important to those affected - in addition to care, household support and social care. Exercise therapy, pastoral care and advice for everyday life are also essential pillars of Spitex services in this area. Professional Spitex staff must be professionally trained in the treatment of wounds and pressure sores as well as the management of digestive organs.

The Swiss Paraplegic Association offers all kinds of helpful information sheets for everyday life with spinal cord injury.

If you would like to know how we can support you with the right Spitex services in the area of paraplegia, simply contact us:

Contact us

Spitex for children & Spitex for young people

It goes without saying that a great deal of empathy and sensitivity is required to provide children and adolescents with competent, needs-based care. We are also available around the clock to provide professional advice and assistance to our young clients and, of course, their parents and relatives. Whether injury, illness, physical or mental impairment or even a palliative situation. Caring for young people who are perhaps too young to express themselves or understand what is happening to them is a whole new dimension of challenge for Spitex care professionals.

Do you have any questions about suitable Spitex services specifically for children and young people? Just get in touch:

Contact us

Spitex for migrants

So-called transcultural or culturally sensitive care aims to take account of different cultural perspectives and attitudes when providing care. Not only language can be a barrier, but also the understanding of the body, illness, death, etc. can differ greatly from our ideas due to different cultural and religious influences. A great deal of empathy and sensitivity is also required here. Adequate care for people with a migration background in accordance with their way of life and cultural norms requires transcultural competence. However, the focus here is not on differences, but above all on similarities in order to create trust. Spitex employees are therefore trained accordingly and often even share a common cultural background with the respective clients in order to create ideal conditions for care assignments.

Are you interested in transcultural or culturally sensitive Spitex services? We will be happy to advise you on the possibilities:

Contact us

Wound management & Spitex

Wound management is the expert treatment of chronic wounds such as pressure sores, diabetic foot syndrome, leg ulcers (open leg) or tumor wounds that no longer heal. Each wound is highly individual and must be treated flexibly and competently. In addition to the obvious and direct consequences for clients, such as pain and restricted mobility, this naturally also results in indirect consequences such as social isolation and psychological symptoms. The latter must be prevented through appropriate psychosocial care and activation so that the physical illness is not compounded by psychological symptoms and the client can maintain the highest possible quality of life despite the wound.

We will be happy to advise you personally on Spitex services combined with professional wound management:

Contact us

Spitex for pregnant women

Spitex specifically for pregnant women or mothers shortly after giving birth is aimed at women whose birth was associated with complications, who have given birth on an outpatient basis, i.e. at home, or who are overburdened by other circumstances and need support. In addition to competent medical care, the main focus here is also on relieving the burden in the household and providing specialist advice on the new life situation. Domestic support gives mothers the opportunity to concentrate fully on their offspring and to internalize and deepen the knowledge they have acquired.

Would you like to know more about Spitex services for pregnant women and women who have recently given birth (mothers in childbed)? Just ask us - we will be happy to advise you personally:

Contact us

Night watch & emergency care

Night watch, sleep watch or sometimes also called night service is relatively self-explanatory, but should not be missing here. There are situations, illnesses or even crises in which clients need to be cared for around the clock or at least there is a possibility that a call-out may be necessary. Spitex employees are also on duty at night (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) or on call to respond and help immediately. Private Spitex companies have also planned appropriate capacities for emergencies in which customers require care or support.

If you have any questions , we will be happy to advise you free of charge and without obligation:

Request a consultation

We areavailableby telephone every dayfrom 6 a.m. to 11 p.m:

044 300 11 22