Mental illness - What treatment options are there?

The treatment of mental illness is a complex issue. There are different types of treatment that can work differently depending on the patient. Choosing the right treatment is crucial for the course of the illness. Often, however, adequate counselling is not offered and the decision is left to the patient. We explain what you should look out for when choosing your treatment!

Sad looking man behind a glass reflection

There are different treatment options for people with mental illness depending on the severity.

Sort your thoughts

First of all, we should try to sort our thoughts and prioritize our worries. Many people suffer from overwhelm and stress because they try to take care of too many things at once. If we sort out our thoughts and focus on what is really important, we can often feel a great sense of relief.


Many people neglect their bodies when they are suffering from stress or mental health problems. But regular exercise is very important for our health - both physically and mentally. Not only does it help us to keep our bodies fit, it can also help us to sort out our thoughts and feel better.

Social contacts

The social environment also plays an important role in the treatment of mental health problems. Isolation can often exacerbate symptoms and it is therefore important to socialize and seek support from friends and family. Therapies in groups can also be very helpful.

Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation can help to reduce stress and alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression.


Our diet also plays an important role for our psyche. Make sure you eat regularly and have a balanced diet. Avoid highly processed foods and junk food as well as alcohol and nicotine.

Treatment measures for permanent psychiatric illnesses

All these points are just general tips - everyone is different and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Anyone suffering from serious mental health problems should therefore always consult a specialist doctor or psychotherapist. They will consider the following treatment options:


Psychotherapy can take place in individual or group sessions and can include various techniques, such as talk therapy, behavioral therapy or hypnosis. The aim is to identify psychological disorders of thought and action and to treat them in a targeted manner.


In some cases, taking medication can be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of a mental illness. There are different types of medication that are used for mental illness, for example antidepressants or tranquilizers. It is important to note that medication should only be part of the treatment. They should always be used in combination with other treatment methods such as psychotherapy.
There is no patent remedy for mental illness. What is helpful for one person may be completely ineffective for another. It is therefore important to look at different treatment options and find out what works best for you.

The role of Spitex in psychiatric illnesses

For many people with mental illness, Spitex is a valuable support both in acute crisis situations and in everyday life. Most sufferers are not undergoing inpatient treatment and are therefore dependent on the help of Spitex organizations. Spitex has qualified nursing staff, psychologists and physiotherapists available for this purpose. The services are individually tailored to the needs of the person concerned. Spitex employees visit their patients at home. They also advise those affected and their relatives about possible therapeutic measures, for example, or establish contacts.