8 reasons to work for Spitex
Anyone who decides to become a carer at Spitex is looking for a meaningful activity in their daily dealings with people. The desire to make life easier for others, to treat sick and elderly people with respect and to enable them to live at home for a long time is at the forefront of this.

We have summarized 8 reasons why it is worth considering a career in Spitex:
1. high level of independence
In contrast to nursing professions in hospitals and care homes, Spitex caregivers look after their patients in their familiar surroundings at home. This requires independent, autonomous work, as doctors and other nursing staff are not on site.
2. social recognition
Working for Spitex makes a valuable contribution to society. On the one hand, it supports people's basic need to be able to stay at home even if they are ill or impaired, and on the other hand, care and support at home is cheaper than in appropriate facilities.
3. compatibility of work and family
Spitex attaches great importance to this point. The part-time models allow carers to spend enough time with their own families, for example, or to pursue time-consuming hobbies. Women returning to work are also very welcome.
4. flexibility
Combining work with family, further education and hobbies is no problem at Spitex. Employees who are involved in top-class sport, for example, or who do community or club work are sometimes absent and therefore depend on an employer who can organize their working hours very flexibly.
5 Versatility
The diversity of the employees and the diversity of the people being cared for is very interesting at Spitex. Whether old or young, a wide range of medical conditions, city apartment or remote farm. The carers are constantly confronted with a wide variety of people and scenarios.
6. communication
The exchange with the team offers the opportunity to talk about patients and problems. So you don't just work alone, but are part of a team. Dealing with clients is also characterized by togetherness and exchange with relatives.
7. personal closeness & distance in crowds
The intensive exchange with clients often leads to more closeness. Often you always care for the same patients and over time you have a personal relationship with them. This closeness makes it possible (more so than in hospitals or care homes) to respond to individual wishes and needs, i.e. to provide very human care, even if a degree of professional distance must of course be maintained. In this way, it may also be possible to maintain the independence of clients for longer.
8. secure employment
Nursing staff are in demand and will be needed more and more in the foreseeable future, as the number of people requiring care continues to rise. This is why personnel and social benefits are also very interesting.
Spitex employees have more scope for creativity. They can respond more individually to the patients, whose personal caregiver they usually are. However, the greater freedom also requires a high level of organizational talent and reliability. Depending on the daily schedule, you have to organize your breaks and office hours independently, and flexibility is also required, as sometimes you have to stand in for colleagues at short notice. Last but not least, it is important to mention that Spitex employees receive a great deal of gratitude from clients. This shows time and again how positively the work of caregivers is perceived.
Today, nursing professions do not always have a good image. Too poorly paid and working to the limit without sufficient appreciation. Just imagine for a moment if there were no more carers to look after the sick and elderly. A declaration of bankruptcy for our society. The elderly and sick would no longer be cared for and would be left to fend for themselves.
SpitexCare shows that things can be done differently. It is an attractive employer that offers meaningful, attractive jobs with guaranteed training and further education.